Our Academics
Our curriculum takes students through a journey from Foundational Stages (Reception) through to Key Stage 5 (Year 13). Along their journey, students study a number of subjects.

All students study English throughout their journey at the Bright Star Virtual Academy. We require that students take English as an A Level subject.

Students study combined science until year 6, after which they separately study biology, chemistry, and physics until their GCSEs. Students must take at least one of the three sciences as an A level.

Students must study at least one modern language and one ancient language (Latin, Classical Greek or Biblical Hebrew) through to their GCSEs.

History & Geography
All students study history and geography until the end of year 9. They may choose to do history, geography or both for their GCSEs, but there is no requirement to take history and/or geography as A level subjects.

Students study mathematics throughout their learning adventure at the Bright Star Academy. Students must take mathematics as an A level subject.

Art, DT, Music & Physical Education
All students take art, music, design & technology, and physical education until the end of year 9. After this, students may elect if they wish to take any exams in any of these subjects for the GCSEs or A levels.